What Happends When U Hack On Roblox

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There might be millions of games for PC but Roblox a multiplayer gaming platform still tops no.1.


  1. List of Best Ways to Guess Roblox Passwords in 2020
  2. How to protect your account from password guessing:

Why Users Wants to Guess Roblox Passwords?

With the current 70 million users Roblox is one of the favorite platforms of gamers all over the world. It allows you to create short games of your own and helps in boosting up the creativity of young minds. It gives you the chance of developing your own game without hard coding and hence its user free. But with the popularity comes the cons, as now many hackers try to hack other player's accounts. As some hackers might want to use the points of another player to redeem it into cash or as a shortcut to level up. Whatever may be the reason to guess the password like hacking or if you have forgotten your password. Password guessing is very popular amongst the users of Roblox

There are many options available on how to guess the password and many people can try their luck by using them.

What happens if your account gets hacked or you forget your password?

· All the current progress will be gone and hence your whole hard work.

· You will lose your games and the community of users you have made.

· Robux- a currency used in a Roblox account to buy items and little purchases, it all will be gone.

Who are the most common targets of getting their account hacked:

· Those with the front page games. (Most popular players).

· Administrators of Roblox.

· People who own a popular group.

· Popular YouTubers or social media personalities those got fame because of Roblox.

· Accounts having extreme wealth as in points or expensive game purchases.

· old accounts

· special ID holders

Because of the large traffic, many service providers have come together to make it easy to hack. Hundreds of software are coming in the market for hackers. And, these people provide this service in the minimal or no fee. Some software's have actually proved to crack the passwords fast are now earning well. Hacking of Roblox accounts is so popular that now it is becoming easy for hackers to get passwords. It is a worldwide threat to every account holder and they should know about the results of hacking.

List of Best Ways to Guess Roblox Passwords in 2020

Starting with the methods which need basic technical skills-

1.Malware or keylogger

This method actually needs you to have some knowledge about malware and keyloggers. This sophisticated attack is difficult from all the methods of password guessing. A hacker uses a back door, enters your system by sending malware into your computer. By getting into the system they retrieve all the personal details and passwords. Malware enters your system when you click on certain links like that from torrent. Also, when you fill your information on unnecessary malware websites. You won't even know when malware has entered your system and your account has got hacked. There's no way of early detection is this type of hack attack.

2. Phishing emails

This method is the most popular amongst all. As it doesn't need high technical hacking skills. It works exactly like a malware method; hackers will send you an email with a link, which would be a phishing link. Once you'll click the link they would ask you to sign up into an account. And, if you did by getting attracted to the fake link and logged in, they'll retrieve all your data. Hence, they are successful in hacking.

Follow the link if you want to know how to produce the phishing emails:

3. Brute force attack

It is an attempt to decrypt encrypted data. Hackers guess all the possible passwords and passphrases. It is a very useful method for the shorter passwords as the results come fast but not suitable for longer ones. There are many automated tools available that help with the brute attack. It is the same as the dictionary attack where a hacker tries each possible answer. Guessing passwords is easy when you know your targeted audience. There is a particular trend of setting up a password among the youth and the older people. The youth tends to use more of numbers while the elderly people prefer to go with alphabets more. Hackers understand this trend amongst the targeted audience and use them.

Watch this video about how to brute force a Roblox account -

Coming to the methods which don't need high tech skills but are time-consuming:

4. Dictionary attack

As already said it is the same as the brute force attack, boring, but a useful method that requires no skill. Hackers use this method if they've got plenty of time to spare or their only dream is to hack the Roblox account. It works by downloading the list of most common passwords. Try each one of them with the hope of at least one being correct out of all. Hackers guess the password by knowing the well-known phrases. For example- A survey stated that around 3.4 millions of users around the world use 1234 as their password. Passwords with a pattern are more likely to get hacked.

Check their list of most common ROBLOX passwords 2020

5. Social engineering

It is the same as phishing emails where you actually send a link to the social handles of people in a larger number. Most affected social networks include Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's the easiest method of all and helps in attacking a larger audience in a single try. The amount of gathered data is in millions and has given the ease in hacking to all the hackers worldwide. This method is beneficial to the hacker but sometimes it becomes lengthy as the data is more.

Click the link below to know how to send phishing links to Facebook and other social media handles.

How to protect your account from password guessing:

1. Long passwords

Short passwords are not accepted these days as they are more easy to get hacked. And, in Roblox, this is the most important thing to keep in mind while creating an account. The methods stated above are more likely to guess short passwords fast. So, make your password as long as you can and even add numbers to complicate it and make it difficult to guess it.

2. Do not use common words

Passwords that are more likely to get hacked are common words and numbers. Like the name of your closed ones, birthday, a sequence like 1234,2468,0000,2222 or a birth year. Plus if you are a well-known personality, keeping the password with the date of birth will make it easy to hack.

3. Beware of Fake Links and Software

you must've seen a pop-up window or a new tab opens when you try to search on internet. Those links contain malware that hacks into your system the moment you click it. Do not open these links or click anywhere on the page. If it's the pop-up window close it as soon as it comes. Only download software or online tools from a good source that is trustable. Prevention from such websites will help you to reduce the exposure from hackers.

4. Prevent Phishing Emails

Our mail account is always filled with thousands of emails. So, it's our duty to know which mail is normal and which one is by a hacker. The best trick to look for a phishing email that contains a website like is to find a's' in the URL. S in the URL stands for secure which means this website is safe to use. For more prevention tips and how to stop phishing emails follow the link below :

5. Safeguard Your Password

This is actually the last thing to tell. So, avoid saving our passwords on digital platforms. If you happen to forget your passwords very often, save them in a diary but not on your computers or mobiles. Do not reveal your password or give the hints which will help in guessing it fast.

6. Change your password more often

The simplest method for keeping your account safe. Change your password every month or if you are more likely to get hacked then every 15 days. Do not resemble your new password with the older one or else the hacker will get your pattern and can hack it.

Also Read: Credit Card Generator with Zip Code and Security Code 2020

7. A virus scan

Install a good antivirus and scan your whole computer once in a while or keep it in an automatic scan mode. This will prevent your entire system from viruses would deduct any chance of hacking.

If your account got hacked even after all the precautions you need to take the following steps:

· If you notice a deduction of Robux, items or some changes then immediately notify the Roblox team. If they aren't able to revert back the account in 30 days then it is not possible to get back the account. See the link to know the full details.

· Verify your details and contact the support team on their official website.



Let’s face it, when you run a website or gaming service that is used by millions of people each day, there are going to be a few bad eggs. It’s an unfortunate truth. Scammers, especially around the holidays, are looking to steal account information through various schemes and tricks. We’re not writing this to scare you; we’re writing this to prepare you. With common sense and some of the suggestions in this article, you can make your ROBLOX account hack-proof.

Never give out your account information
This may sound obvious, but you’d be amazed how many users are tricked into giving up their account details. Often, ROBLOX scammers make false promises to get you to divulge your account details. Here’s a checklist of requests to think twice about.

1. I’ll give you some Robux
2. I’ll help you build something
3. I’ll level up your Group rank
4. Let’s “trade accounts” for a while
5. I can unlock Builders Club for free, I just need your log-in.

ROBLOX offers a ton of services, and often new users go looking for help to understand the process and methods of being a successful ROBLOXian. The joy of having such a robust community is that there are tons of friendly people out there who are willing to show you the ropes. But the ones that ask you for something in return are not to be trusted. Many new users get scammed because they’ve never been targeted before–they don’t know what is considered to be suspicious behavior or what to do when they’ve been scammed.

Basically, have faith in our community. If someone legitimately wants to help you, they don’t need your account details. If you’re new to ROBLOX and have lots of questions, check out our forums, brush up on some blog articles, and interact with users who are willing to help without asking for personal info.

“Phishing” is an attempt to acquire information, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity through e-mail or as a website. Phishing is not a ROBLOX-specific issue, but something that affects major websites including eBay, Amazon, and others.

There are websites that exist outside of ROBLOX that replicate services we offer, such as our surveys, for example. Users that are up to no good copy our surveys and offer them to other users–the only difference being they create the page with a user-name and password “log-in.” Remember, we will never ask you for your log-in info to take a poll. If you’re ever taking a poll and you’re asked for your account info, we’re not the ones asking.

What happens when u hack on roblox account

There’s an easy way to know whether the poll you’re taking is legit: check the URL. If you don’t see polls.roblox.com in the URL, you’re not taking an official ROBLOX poll. There are also legitimate third-party websites that offer incentives for participation and that’s fine. We encourage community interaction. Just keep in mind, you should never have to “log in” to participate in these activities.

Always keep an eye on your address bar when submitting information to the web. Make sure that somewhere within the text field, roblox.com is there. That way you know you’re safely on our website and not a forged copy.

Don’t ever give your e-mail password away for any reason. A lot of times, users use the same password for their email account as they do for their ROBLOX account, so giving one away is like giving away the keys to the kingdom.

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Try to keep your conversations within the confines of ROBLOX. We understand that friendships form, and if you trust a person you’ve been talking with (or developing games with) enough, it’s OK to developing a healthy professional relationship via e-mail. Just make sure to e-mail people you’ve come to trust if you’re going to correspond outside of ROBLOX. Don’t give your e-mail address to just anyone.

A great way to secure your account information is to verify your e-mail address with ROBLOX. In the rare case that your account is compromised, there’s a link on our site called “Password Recovery”–hitting that link will shoot an e-mail to your primary account that will allow you to regain control of your ROBLOX account.

False Trading
Always use the trading system to exchange items. Users often want to trade items for Robux directly, but there isn’t an official way to do this. To get around this, some users decide to set up private trades, and not just for items. Users are privately trading groups, currency, and even accounts (which is against our terms of service).

This puts users in a very strange position. Who exchanges the goods first? The person with the item? If you were to do that, then the person with the money could easily vanish without paying and take the item (or group, or account) in the process. Don’t put yourself in this position. Always use our trading system for item exchanges. We’re actively working on eliminating reasons why users would feel the need to barter outside of our system–stay tuned for an exciting upcoming announcement that will change the way gear items are exchanged forever.

The Bottom Line (TL;DR)

  • We will never ask you for your password. There is no reason for any user to ask you for your log-in credentials.
  • Official ROBLOX Polls will have polls.roblox.com in the URL. If your browser does not show that, it’s not one of our polls. You should never have to log-in to take a poll.
  • The only place you should enter your user name and password is at Roblox.com.
  • Do not share your e-mail address with any user.

Following these simple rules should keep your account hack-proof. And remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do you have any methods of hack-proofing your ROBLOX account that we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments below.
