Roblox Meme Hacker

Oct 31st, 2016
  1. Hacker Man Meme

Roblox Gang Rape refers to the response to a Facebook post in which a mother details an account of her daughter's avatar being sexually assaulted in the video game Roblox. The post received significant media attention with many questioning the rules and moderation responsibilities of online games. 6 Followers, 6 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Hacker Meme (@memerobloxhacker). Roblox is a global platform that brings people together through play.

Hacker Man Meme

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  1. local PChar = Plr.Character
  2. local DebounceKey =true
  3. local AnimHop ='Animation', PChar)
  4. local TrackAnim =nil
  5. for i,v inpairs(PChar:GetChildren())do
  6. if v.ClassName 'Hat'or v.ClassName 'CharacterMesh'then
  7. end
  8. v.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black()
  9. PChar.Head.BrickColor = BrickColor.White()
  10. PChar['Body Colors'].HeadColor = BrickColor.White()
  11. PChar['Body Colors'].LeftArmColor = BrickColor.Black()
  12. PChar['Body Colors'].LeftLegColor = BrickColor.Black()
  13. PChar['Body Colors'].RightArmColor = BrickColor.Black()
  14. PChar['Body Colors'].RightLegColor = BrickColor.Black()
  15. PChar['Body Colors'].TorsoColor = BrickColor.Black()
  16. if PChar:FindFirstChild('Shirt')nilthenelse PChar:FindFirstChild('Shirt'):Destroy()end
  17. if PChar:FindFirstChild('Pants')nilthenelse PChar:FindFirstChild('Pants'):Destroy()end
  18. PChar.Head.face.Texture =''
  19. PChar.Humanoid.MaxHealth =math.huge
  20. end
  21. MusicFolder.Name ='Music'
  22. local SnoopMusic ='Sound', MusicFolder)
  23. local DogeMusic ='Sound', MusicFolder)
  24. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)local key = key:lower()
  25. if DebounceKey falsethen
  26. end
  27. PChar.Humanoid.WalkSpeed =0
  28. TrackAnim = PChar.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimHop)
  29. for i = SnoopMusic.TimeLength,1,-1do
  30. break
  31. print(i)
  32. TrackAnim:Play()
  33. DebounceKey =true
  34. PChar.Humanoid.WalkSpeed =14
  35. if key 'r'then
  36. return
  37. DebounceKey =false
  38. TrackAnim = PChar.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimHop)
  39. DogeMusic.Volume =10
  40. if StopIt truethen
  41. end
  42. wait(1)
  43. local location = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetModelCFrame()
  44. DogeHats.CanCollide =false
  45. DogeHats.RotVelocity =*math.pi,math.random()*math.pi,math.random()*math.pi)
  46. mesh.TextureId ='rbxassetid://151778895'
  47. mesh.MeshType ='FileMesh'
  48. mesh.Scale =*20,math.random()*20,math.random()*20)
  49. DogeHats.CFrame = location **500-250,math.random(100,200),math.random()*500-250)
  50. end
  51. TrackAnim:Stop()
  52. wait(0.2)
  53. end
  54. PChar.Humanoid.WalkSpeed =14
  55. if key 'w'or key 'a'or key 's'or key 'd'then
  56. SnoopMusic:Stop()
  57. if TrackAnim nilthenelse TrackAnim:Stop()end
  58. PChar.Humanoid.WalkSpeed =14
  59. StopIt =false
  60. end)