Roblox Jellyfishing Simulator

Feb 13th, 2018
  1. Roblox Jellyfishing Simulator Codes
  2. Roblox Jellyfishing Simulator How To Find The Key To The Factory

Codes gives information about only Pet Simulator 1. Please help us by getting the Pet Simulator 2 information. This notice is here due to a comment saying there are PS2 codes. Please leave a message on my message wall if you know of any! Codes can be found on the game creator's twitter, at @BuildIntoGames. (Note that codes will most likely not be added until the release of Pet Simulator 2.). ⚓️ Roblox Jellyfish Catching Simulator Gameplay! 2 Codes and LOTS OF JELLY FISH! A Simulator that requires SKILL! Code 1: Release Code 2: P1R4T3C0V3- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video: 0:00:46 Code time! 0:01:54 Jellyfishing time! 0:02:56 Watch this, so many jellyfish is in the rock! 0:05:00 Getting a bigger backpack! Roblox Jellyfish Catching Simulator Created 7/5/2018, Updated 7/25/2018, Max Players 10, Genre All. Yesterday Gamelog Roblox Mining Simulator Gameplay! 2 Clouticorn and 2 RainbowCorn Giveaway!

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Roblox Jellyfishing Simulator Codes

  1. local shovel = 'Large Shovel'
  2. function check()
  3. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetChildren()) do
  4. v.Parent = v.Character
  5. end
  6. check()
  7. local children = game.Workspace.SandBlocks:GetChildren()
  8. if children[i] ~= nil then
  9. if children[i].Reward.Value >= minval then
  10. children[i].CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  11. print(children[i].Name)
  12. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character[shovel].RemoteClick:FireServer(workspace.SandBlocks[children[i].Name])
  13. end
  14. end
RAW Paste Data
Dec 26th, 2017

Roblox Jellyfishing Simulator How To Find The Key To The Factory

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  1. local userInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService')
  2. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  3. local running = false
  4. waitmusic.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://152120846'
  5. wait(5)
  6. run.AnimationId = 'rbxassetid://843348945'
  7. local run = player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(run)
  9. greenhill.FlangeSoundEffect.Enabled = false
  10. greenhill.PitchShiftSoundEffect.Enabled = false
  11. waitmusic:Stop()
  12. for i,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  13. v:Destroy()
  14. end
  15. if object nil then return end
  16. if #object < 1 then return end
  17. if object[i].className 'Part' and object[i].Name ~= 'Spin' then object[i].Transparency = value else transparent(value, object[i]) end
  18. end
  19. local spin ='Part')
  20. spin.Anchored = true
  21. spin.Shape = 0
  22. speed = 50
  23. --jumpmesh ='SpecialMesh',spin)
  24. --jumpmesh.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://471554822'
  25. --jumpmesh.Scale =, 0.015, 0.018)
  26. local BPos ='BodyPosition',player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  27. BPos.P = 0
  28. DashLeft = -100 -- side step
  29. local youretooslow ='Sound',player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  30. youretooslow.Volume = 5
  31. local Music ='Sound',player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  32. Music.Volume = 10
  33. local velocity ='BodyVelocity')
  34. --velocity.Parent = player.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')
  35. local sidedash ='Sound',player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  36. sidedash.Volume = 3
  37. local boostsound ='Sound',player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
  38. boostsound.Looped = false
  39. player.Character.Head.Mesh.MeshId = 'rbxassetid://430064078'
  40. player.Character.Head.Mesh.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://430064079'
  41. player.Character.Head.Mesh.Offset =, 0.2, 0.6)
  42. player.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale =,0.55,0.65)
  43. Boost.Name = 'Boost'
  44. Boost.Transparency = 1
  45. BoostMesh.MeshId = 'rbxassetid://474948577'
  46. BoostMesh.Offset =, 0, 4)
  47. Velocity2 ='BodyPosition',Boost)
  48. Velocity2.Position = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  49. Velocity2.MaxForce =,999999,999999)
  50. bodyparts = {player.Character.HumanoidRootPart}
  51. --[[
  52. presentage depending on rotation [this wasn't efficiant enough]
  53. RotationOfCharacter = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation.Y/360*100
  54. print(RotationConvert,',0,',100-RotationConvert)
  55. end
  56. -- Handle inputBegan event (when player first presses a key)
  57. userInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(inputObject)
  58. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.G then
  59. end
  60. if Music.Playing false then
  61. greenhill.FlangeSoundEffect.Enabled = true
  62. Music:Stop()
  63. end
  64. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode['LeftShift'] then
  65. run:Play()
  66. boostsound.PlaybackSpeed = 1
  67. boostsound:Play()
  68. FF ='ForceField',player.Character)
  69. while boost do
  70. if boostsound.Playing false or boostsound.TimePosition >= 6 then
  71. boostsound.PlaybackSpeed = boostsound.PlaybackSpeed *1.1
  72. boostsound.TimePosition = 2
  73. end
  74. Boost.RotVelocity =,0,0)
  75. BPos.MaxForce =,0,99999)
  76. Velocity2.Position =player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(, 0, -50))
  77. Boost.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  78. BPos.Position = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(, 0, -50))
  79. end
  80. sidedash:Play()
  81. BPos.P = 99999
  82. BPos.Position = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(, 0, 0))
  83. end
  84. sidedash:Play()
  85. BPos.P = 99999
  86. BPos.Position = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame:pointToWorldSpace(, 0, 0))
  87. end
  88. player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  89. moveVector =,0,-1)
  90. wait()
  91. if player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed <= 100 then
  92. player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed * 1.025
  93. player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 1.05
  94. end
  95. --player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation.Y
  96. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.Space then
  97. jump = true
  98. spin.BrickColor = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.BrickColor
  99. if jump false then break end
  100. spin.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-.5 * i, 0, 0)
  101. if spin.Parent nil then spin.Parent = player.Character end
  102. transparent(1, player.Character)
  103. speed = 50
  104. spin.Parent = nil
  105. if player.Character:FindFirstChild('Chest') then
  106. else
  107. end
  108. player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Transparency = 1
  109. jump = false
  110. end
  111. print('Dash/Target')
  112. end
  113. -- Handle inputEnded event (when player releases a key)
  114. userInputService.InputEnded:connect(function(inputObject)
  115. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.Q then
  116. BPos.MaxForce =,0,0)
  117. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.E then
  118. BPos.MaxForce =,0,0)
  119. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.W then
  120. BPos.MaxForce =,0,999999)
  121. BPos.Position = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  122. BPos.MaxForce =,0,0)
  123. end
  124. --
  125. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.D then
  126. end
  127. if inputObject.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode['LeftShift'] then
  128. run:Stop()
  129. boostsound:Stop()
  130. Boost.Transparency = 1
  131. BPos.P = 0
  132. player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = false
  133. greenhill.PitchShiftSoundEffect.Enabled = false
  134. end
  135. end)
  136. -- On renderstepped update the character's motion based on what keys
  137. runService.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  138. --player.Character.Humanoid:Move(moveVector)
  139. end)