Old Citadel Roblox Hack

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  2. Old Citadel Roblox Hack Download
Spells Screen

The Old Roblox Wiki is a collaborative database for everything related to the classic era of Roblox, since the very start of the platform, and it's golden age, including the features, places, famous players, clients, and more. Since 2018, we have been providing the most accurate and reliable information on everything Old Roblox, in an easy, interactive layout.

Spells are a robust category of powerful arcane rituals that can be cast to fight your enemies, enhance yourself or otherwise interact with the world.

Spells are crafted into a weapon by using various essences found throughout the world and decay durability as they are used. Spells can also be enhanced when crafted by assigning up to 5 plants that provide different effects.

Four weapons can be equiped at the same time, allowing for 8 spells to be available without swapping weapons from your inventory. Additional spells can be prepared on weapons in your inventory to cover your needs.

Spells can sometimes be charged or channeled. Charged spells will often do more damage if they are charged for a few seconds before release. Channeled spells do consistent damage while they are channeled.

There are 6 types of essence that can be collected in the world to create different spells, and the base 'Arcana' is always available without requiring any essence.

Spells are divided in 6 categories, where 4 of them are combat types. (This is not clear. This text used to say spells could 'enchance crafting' if so an explanation is required)

  • 1Spell Types
  • 2Spell Modifiers

Spell Types[edit | edit source]

Arcana[edit | edit source]

Haste ∞Makes you move fasterAllSelfSelfBuff
Arcane Step ∞Pulls you back to the point of activation after short delayAllUtilitySelfDelay
Arcane Missile ∞Damaging projectileStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
Arcane Beam ∞Damaging BeamWand, GauntletsBeamRanged
Arcane Blast ∞Damaging blast centered around userGauntlets, AxeBlast AoEMelee
Arcane Storm ∞Stationary AOEAxe, StaffAoERanged

Nature's Essence[edit | edit source]

Old Citadel Roblox Hack
BarkskinBoost to armor for limited amount of time, cannot be used

at the same time as Bloodlust.

ExtractUsed to pull resources from the environmentAllUtilityRangedChanneled
Roots of WrathRoots burst from ground in a line to damage enemiesStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
Natures TouchShort range healing beamWand, GauntletsBeamRangedChanneled
PounceBurst of melee damage, dart forward, can hit enemies at short rangeGauntlets, AxeBlastMelee-
GeyserStationary AOE, launches enemies that walk over it into the airAxe, StaffAoERangedArea target

Dark Essence (Uses Health to Cast)[edit | edit source]

SacrificeConverts Health to ManaAllSelfSelf
StealthCloak yourself against other players and enemies for a short timeAllUtilitySelfBuff
Dark BoltRanged projectile that can hit multiple enemies in a lineStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
PetrifyBeam that deals damageWand, GauntletsBeamRangedChanneled
VortexPulls enemies into melee rangeGauntlets, AxeBlastRanged-
CalamityAoE, can move it around battlefield while channeling the spellAxe, StaffAoERangedChanneled AoE

Light Essence[edit | edit source]

AtonmentConverts Mana to HealthAllSelfSelfChanneled
PacifyUsed to tame creaturesAllUtilityRangedChanneled
AbsolutionRanged HealingStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
GraceShort ranged healingWand, GauntletsBeamTouchChanneled
CondemnTag an enemy, 10% of damage done to that enemy transfers as health to youGauntlets, AxeBlastRanged-
SanctuaryForms a small healing bubble around you, heals allies within it (not you)Axe, StaffAoEMeleeChanneled AoE

Storm Essence[edit | edit source]

Shock ArmorBuff that reflects back 25% of damage to sourceAllSelfSelfBuff
BlinkTeleport Short DistancesAllUtilitySelfCharge to target location
ArcSlow moving ball of energy that damages enemies nearbyStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
ConductionShort range attack that arcs between enemiesWand, GauntletsBeamRangedChanneled
Lighting StrikeAoE that strikes all enemies in target area when releasedGauntlets, AxeBlast AoERangedCharge to target location
Concentrated StormAoE that pulses damage to enemies in areaAxe, StaffAoEMeleeSpawns around player

Fiery Essence[edit | edit source]

BloodlustBuff that increased Damage and Health 30% for limited amount of time, cannot be used

at the same time as Barkskin.

Phoenix RisingProtects your stuff upon death for limited amount of time. Lasts 15 seconds.AllUtilitySelfBuff
Fire BoltProjectile that does Damage over timeStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
Flame ThrowerStream of fire that does damage over timeWand, GauntletsBeamRangedChanneled
Fire BlastSingle firey melee strikeGauntlets, AxeBlastMelee-
Fire GrenadeBouncing fire grenade with a delayed explosionAxe, StaffAoERanged-

Frozen Essence[edit | edit source]

Ice ShieldStops projectile spellsAllSelfSelfChanneled
Frozen BreathBreath under water for limited timeAllUtilitySelfBuff
Ice BoltIcy projectile slows and damages enemiesStaff, WandProjectileRanged-
Ice BeamBeam of ice, slows and damages enemiesWand, GauntletsBeamRangedChanneled
Ice StrikeSingle icy melee strikeGauntlets, AxeBlastMelee-
BlizzardStationary AoE that damages and slows enemiesAxe, StaffAoERangedCharge to target location

Spell Modifiers[edit | edit source]

At the time a spell is crafted onto a weapon, additional material components can be used to modify or add additional properties to the spell. There are 5 properties which can be modified.

  • Damage: The amount of damage a spell does.
  • Range: The distance and/or radius of a spells effect.
  • Energy: Increases the number of uses of a spell before the material components of the spell are used up and the spell is exhausted.
  • Bleed: Adds damage over time to the effect of the spell.
  • Life Leech: A portion of the spell's damage will be absorbed by the player as life.

A limit of 5 additional ingredients may be added to any spell, and in any combination. Multiples of the same ingredients can be used, but the bonuses granted do not fully stack (Two 5% damage modifier Cultist Leafs used do not equal 10% bonus damage); instead the next ingredient added provides a somewhat reduced effect.

  • Example 1. Five crowberries are used, up to 5 % increase in spell damage (there is a reduction effect when using multiples of the same ingredient.)
  • Example 2. One Buskas Leaf +2% damage, One Rowa Berries 5% Range increase, One Bone +1% Leach.

The increase in spell damage also increases the amount of heal on healing spells.

Damage[edit | edit source]

ItemEffectPercent ModSource
CrowberryBonus Damage1%Harvested
Buskas LeavesBonus Damage2%Harvested
Snowdonia HawkweedBonus Damage3%Harvested
Cultist LeafBonus Damage5%Harvested
ObsidianBonus Damage7%Harvested / Crafted
Blood Soul ShardBonus Damage15%Drop

Range[edit | edit source]

Old Citadel Roblox Hack Script

ItemEffectPercent ModSource
MushroomsBonus Range2%Harvested
Rowan BerriesBonus Range5%Harvested
Faery DustBonus Range7%Drop from Sprites
FeatherBonus Range10%Drop from Birds
Phoenix FeatherBonus Range14%Drop from Phoenix
Dracul Heart ShardBonus Range20%Drop

Energy[edit | edit source]

ItemEffectPercent ModSource
Ghost OrchidBonus Energy2%Harvested
Buffalo Felt LeavesBonus Energy3%Harvested
Kylma FlowerBonus Energy4%Harvested
Precious StoneBonus Energy5%Extracted
SnapdragonBonus Energy6%Farmed
IrisiteBonus Energy10%Crafted
Dragon ScaleBonus Energy14%Drop from Dragons
Dragon StoneBonus Energy16%Drop from Dragons
Phoenix Spirit ShardBonus Energy20%Drop

Bleed Damage[edit | edit source]

Old Citadel Roblox Hack Download

ItemEffectPercent ModSource
Corpse FlowerBleed Damage2%Harvested
Black HelleborneBleed Damage3%Farmed
Dark PlasmaBleed Damage4%Drop from Abomination
Elixir of Bleeding HeartsBleed Damage6%Crafted
Demonic EyeBleed Damage8%Drop from Pyrant
Sickly HeartBleed Damage12%Drop from Abomination

Life Leech[edit | edit source]

ItemEffectPercent ModSource
BonesLife Leech1%Drop from Undead
Eagle SkullLife Leech1%Drop from Birds
Mandrake RootLife Leech1%Farmed
Kaltbiture HerbLife Leech1%Harvested
Elixir of Stolen LifeLife Leech2%Crafted
Unicorn BloodLife Leech2%Drop from Unicorns
Phoenix EggLife Leech3%Drop from Phoenix
Retrieved from 'https://citadelforgedwithfire.gamepedia.com/Spells?oldid=5948'

History Of Roblox

Roblox began in 1990 where things were a load different... nah, it's not THAT old. It started beta testing in 2005.
Check out the beta logo that looks way better than it does now.
When it began it was like this:
  • If you looked at the pictures of the games, they looked really empty.
  • The site was completely different too.
  • Looks like there was no money, just Roblox Points.
  • There seem to have been contests ran on the site before the video contests?
  • Roblox called itself an Online Building Toy. I don't think people find it just a building toy today.
The site changed a lot and looks more like a beta design for the site today.
  • Browse and info were removed at a point for the newer designs.
  • Games were joined by a Multiplayer section instead of the games page.
  • The main page still had some features it does today, like Cool Place.
The site improved a lot more now.
  • More people most likely were getting Roblox now.
  • A video now is put up on the main page.
  • There was a page for badges. It had leaderboards for the badges too!
Early 2008
This was almost the same as 2007 but with a lot more relation to how the site is now.
  • The games page looks almost the same as now. Features like time and most popular places still remain today.
  • Browse turned into the page now called People. The places and models now are searched in the Catalog.

That's the main history of Roblox. Many changes both improved and ruined things over the years.
Want to find more archives? Try the Roblox News!